Friday, 20 October 2017

A Few Autumnal Thoughts...

Hello my lovelies!
Gosh it has been months since I set foot in my little blog home...
It's a little dusty with a few cobwebs hiding in the corners 
but the familiarity is making my heart sing.
Oh how I've missed saying hello!
It's a little like returning home after a holiday and having that wonderful
warm fuzzy feeling of home.

As some of you may know this year has been a box of all sorts of flavours 
for all sorts of reasons
... some very sweet moments hidden under the many varied layers of very sour 
cheek-sucking gems.
Blogging seems to have slipped by the by simply due to time.

Finally though after a very tough time, I do feel as if I am finally able to do a little meamble swim towards the surface for a few bubbles and Autumnal gasps...
So I thought I would take sometime to reflect and refresh on a few thoughts.

Autumn is usually my most favourite time of year to do all kinds of gorgeous things
 but this year, I think I will just be grateful to sit and watch the leaves simply fall around me 
while I rest my weary bones.
It will give me time to stay still and let Mother Earth sing her gentle lullaby while time
slowly glides past at a pace I feel I can handle.

And so... although feeling exhausted and 
having to rest, there is a positive, 
as resting brings me back to my little home of blogging and allows me time to 
slowly catch my breath again which I am delighted about!
It's my little holiday home of calm to capture my Fenland meandering thoughts on life.

I've been blogging since around the beginning of 2007.
Originally, it was my little hideaway safe haven whilst coping with everyday life, learning to live with an invisible illness to many, that was relatively never mentioned and very little was understood about the cause or treatment.... Fibromyalgia

Over the years I've learnt to live with my invisible siamese twin Fibro 
with every waking moment of each day.
Our intense relationship has managed to work together for over 20 years despite
the many arguments.

I learnt back in the early days of diagnosis that taking each day and staying positive was only the way forward to survive.
So I know I'm very blessed that I can still work doing something I love...

 And so, back to the here and now....
My first blog post in a very long time...

Work wise, despite this year being a bit of a clanger I have learnt how to...
- take a selfie and be brave enough to post it! (I hate my pic being taken!)
- wandered along a path with my creativity that I feel is beginning to finally reflect my true self which sounds crackers after being creative since the year dot!
-win an award for first prize at a major event
-write a book.

My first ever book ,Stitched Memories will be published by Search Press early next year and launched in the sunnier months of early Summer (she says grinning like a cheshire cat!!!)

It is my book of Inspirations on how to capture your ever day moments and treasured memories through a selection of slow stitching and free motion embroidery projects. way of leaving a little trail of stitched stories for my future family members showcasing my loves in life and what makes me tick on a daily basis!

I've wanted to write a book since I was a small child and have several stories written but never thought it would be a book about crafts that I would see sitting on a shelf!

So, having done a little stock take of life in the Tilly Rose world I guess what I'm saying a long winded affair is that I feel I can begin to face the dreary cold Fenland months with a little creative smile after all.
Sometimes I think it is good to see the positives in front of you when having been faced with a few negatives of late...

Over the next few months I shall be updating my little cosy home with a few alterations so keep in touch if you fancy seeing the results.
Nothing like a grand makeover but just a few paint touch ups if you know what I mean!

In the meantime 
I will say toodle-ooh for now.
Happy Autumnal Blessings folks!

Looking forward to speaking again 
with you all soon
Tilly x

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I love to hear your thoughts and appreciate your fabulous snippets that make me smile....

Tilly x