Thursday 29 October 2015

Tilly's Remembrance Poppy Corsage - FREE PATTERN

Hello my lovelies!
how are you all?

It's that time of year again when we all start to turn our thoughts to those brave souls who gave so much for our country in a variety of ways....

Today I am giving you the chance to crochet your own Poppy corsage to wear with pride and show your support for the many men and women who did so much...

I am very proud to say that this is my first pattern that I have designed and written and am so pleased to be able to offer it in support of such a good cause.

The pattern is suitable for all abilities.
If you are unsure of any of the stitches there are loads of videos on Youtube that you can view to help you .
I am hoping to be able to offer my own tutorials soon so watch out for those to!

Tilly’s 'Remembrance' Poppy Corasge

Requirements – oddments of black (A) & red (B) chunky yarn,
                         5.5 mm hook
                         black button
                          brooch pin

Ch – chain
Dc – double crochet
Tr – treble
Dtr – double treble
Ss – slip stitch

Foundation Row
Using A, ch 5.
Join with a ss to form a ring

Row 1
Ch 2 (counts as first dc), 11 dc into ring
Join with a ss to top of second chain to join circle
Fasten off A. Join B

Row 2
Work into first dc space - Ch 1 (counts as first dc), 1tr, 1dtr
Work into second dc space – 5 dtr
Work into third dc space – 5 dtr
Work into fourth dc space – 1dtr, 1tr, 1dc
Repeat this sequence twice in the remaining 8 dc to create the last two petals.
Fasten off.
Sew in any ends of yarn and add your button.
Sew a brooch pin on the reverse of your poppy to attach your corsage.

I hope you enjoy making my little poppy corsage as much as I have designing it.
My only request is to please pop a small donation into the collecting tins of the poppy sellers that we see on our high streets to support our servicemen and women. It is such a valuable cause.

If you would rather donate online and support The Royal British Legion, you can do so here by simply clicking on the link

I would love to hear from any of you who use the pattern and maybe send in any pics of your poppies so I can share with everyone on my FB page

We owe so much to so few...
Please do show your support by wearing your poppy with pride

Many thanks

x x x

Monday 5 October 2015

Yarndale - A Beautiful Rainbow of Colour....

Hello lovelies!

I hope you all enjoyed my first post on Yarndale...
I was absolutely over the moon to receive a lovely comment from Lucy Attic 24, one of the organisers!!!

As promised here is another glimpse at the riot of colour therapy on offer last weekend in Skipton.

Flowers for Memories...
Viewers were invited to send in crocheted or knitted flowers of all colours, shapes and sizes to be transformed into a beautiful rainbow wall of colour by the organisers of Yarndale in support of supporting a charity very close to my heart.
The idea originated from artist Sheila Metcalfe to raise awareness and funds for The Alzheimer's Society.
You can find out more details about the project HERE on Yarndale's website.

Like so many other people, I was absolutely stunned at the amazing piece of art that was put together using all of these beautiful blooms....
I say art because in my mind that is exactly what it was..
..not just a board of yarn flowers but a work of art lovingly sourced, designed and made, assembled and displayed by people who feel passionate enough to help in a very tiny way to support this dreadful illness.

Anyone wishing to have their photos taken against the gorgeous backdrop during the weekend were asked for a small donation to help with the funds and at the end of the event Sheila had raised an amazing £1811.80 for the charity.

Well done Yarndalers for supporting Sheila in her quest...amazing!
I absoltely adore the fact that from one small idea one HUGE project evolved...
From small little acorns as they say...or in this case from small little blooms...

Of course I had to have my piccie taken to!

My little camera really doesn't do this wonderful display justice...
the textures, different yarns, different patterns and styles...
I just wanted to jump right in as did so many others!

I will bring you more pics in my next post but for now my lovelies I will leave you with this little gem...
I came across this video from a fellow Yarndale visitor and thought you lovelies may like to have a little nosey if you weren't able to visit....
It has given me an idea to pop all of my 200+ pics into my own video for you all to view
so watch this space folks...

in the meantime enjoy this little glimpse of beautiful yarn therapy..

x x x