Monday 30 March 2015

A Creative journey...

Hello my lovelies!

A new start to the week....

So what is in my diary?

Mmmm... well I never seem to know from one week to the next what
my work holds in store for me.
I know I am very lucky to be able to do all the things I love on a daily basis under the heading of 'work' and never stop smiling as a reminder to myself  :)

This weekend saw me 'crocheting for England' as they say for my next appearance 
on Create & Craft TV.
I am going to be doing a show 'Vintage Patchwork' on Tues 11am with the 
lovely Jacqui Joseph.

So my little fingers have been hooking away until they tingled over the past few days
I never see it as work as I am loving it!

Hopefully people will feel inspired to give crochet a go...
It really is an easy forgiving craft that you can use in so many designs and projects.

I've been crocheting since I was 11.
How do I know the exact date?
Well, I remember it very well...
I saved my pocket money to start collecting a new publication called 'Stitch By Stitch' 
anyone remember it?

It was 45p a week and I  had only had 50p.
I ended up collecting it for over a year and absolutely loved it...
My Mum thought I would tire after the initial month of freebies and patterns but I certainly didn't.
She wasn't overly impressed as time went on as there were always magazines all over the house
When I had collected enough I could add them to the bright daffodil yellow folder which then became an even bigger collection!

From that very simple start of collecting a weekly magazine 
I began my love of exploring different crafts.
I made gifts, garments, pictures, cushions and so much more.

Whilst others were drooling over magazines with Donny Osmond on the front cover I was drooling
over skeins of mottled wool and fabrics in our local market!

Those magazines bought me inspiration and skills for sewing, knitting, crochet, macrame,
embroidery, patchwork and dressmaking all of which I still use today.

Who would of thought that many many years later I have the wonderful job of 
sharing my love of crafts with so many others?

I feel really passionately that everyone should be given the opportunity of learning
those skills from a young age.
Not only are they invaluable for our everyday home skills but we all need to express ourselves in a creative way to soothe our souls.

So if you fancy a little inspiration Granny-style with chez moi tune in
to Create & Craft TV and say hello :)

Toodle-ooh for now my lovelies

Tilly x

Wednesday 25 March 2015


A BIG welcome to my new blog!

I have so missed blogging...
but as the saying goes...Time & Tide waits for no-one and that includes everyday living
hence the lack of time to blog...

But my heart is missing writing and so I thought
I would start Springtime with a lovely new blog that showcases my love of all things vintage & handmade.

So watch this space folks...

Tilly x